3/1/09 - 4/1/09

Communication between parent and child windows in JavaScript

In this post, I will show how to call the parent window function from the child window and how to pass value from the child window to t...

santosh 31 Mar, 2009

How To Create Composite Control

ASP.NET includes the TextBox control and the Validation controls which can be combined together to perform user input validation. The res...

santosh 31 Mar, 2009

How To find control inside EmptyTemplate

In this post, I will show. How to add a new row in gridview. How to find control inside EmptyDataTemplate < %@ Page Language = "...

santosh 29 Mar, 2009

How To Create MultiColum Dropdownlist using DropDownExtender Control

< %@ Page Language = " C# " AutoEventWireup = " true " EnableEventValidation = " false " CodeFile = ...

santosh 26 Mar, 2009